2nd Time Competing

Okay, Pretty Much Everybody gets Nervous when they Go On Stage infront of a lot of People. Last Year I Competed at VA States, and I actually did Pretty Good… But I was Scared Out of my Mind! Okay, When I was just Hangin’ Out with my Friends at the YoYo Stand where they Sell YoYos, Somebody came up to me and said, “Cody, Your Next for Being On Stage.” And I said, “Whaat?? Already?? Im NOT Ready!” So I was kind of Upset, Obviously just Because I didnt want to go On Stage infront of That Many People. But I went up there and got it Over With. But Guess What? When I Went Up There, I Only Brought 1 YoYo! It was the YYF MVP, but I Wanted to have my 44, Severe, and Genesis up There with me In Case I Messed Up. And Guess What? I Messed Up and got a Knot. So Im Freaking Out, so I Smile a Little so it doesn’t seem like a Big Deal. But then I start Flinging the YoYo Around, and then I had to put my Finger in the Middle and get the Knot Out. Luckily it Wasn’t a Knot bad Enough that I had to Unscrew the YoYo. It took like 5 Seconds to get the Knot Out and Wind it back up again. And Then I did an Arm Grind and it Was Over. Now, Those were the 2 Longest Minutes of my Life. They Felt like 5 Minutes. Anyways, I Know this Year im gonna do Better, and Remember to Bring up my Other YoYos. LOL. But VA States is in Like a Week, and I am Already Scared to Death and Excited at the Same Time. A Lot of you Guys have Competed in YoYo Contests. Is there like Any Way to get Less Nervous? So I Dont Mess up or Something?
Thanks!  :wink:
-Cody Wright

My Performance at VA States 2010. I Mess up at 2:02 - 2:16.


Nice performance, it went with the music. I have a similar problem. I don’t get nervous, but the thought of trying to get something right makes me try to hard then my hands get to stiff and… yeah… it happens even when i’m not performing…

I used to have this problem and I still do sort of but not nearly as much.
One part of overcoming it comes over time so the more you compete the more you’ll be used to it.
Also when you get on stage take a few deep breaths. Not just for effect but really try to clear you’re head before you start. You can take as long as you need to get comfortable and relaxed. I assure you no one will rush you.

You need to learn how to type. Capitalizing every other word doesn’t make you cool, it’s annoying.

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Really? At least he’s using commas and periods.

Anyway Cody, I have a similar problem. It helps to realize that you are just yoyoing and the person that cares the most about your routine is… well, you. Nobody is going to really care what happens, even though it feels like they will. If you do a good trick, they will hoot and holler, but if you screw it up, the worst that will happen is that someone might snicker at you.
Otherwise, most yoyoers are pretty legit about not caring. Everyone makes mistakes, and when you stop caring about placing high, you will probably start doing better

bring more yoyos! also, dont just do a random grind. what i do is grind, hop it off my arm, and whip.
good job. i dont know how to get less nervouse, but i try to imagine just the string and that i am all alone.

I don’t even compete. I just play with my friends, and have fun. What I would say is just to pretend your with your friends. Forget that you’re in the comp, pretend you’re somewhere else, and just have fun with it.


Thanks for the Advice Guys. Ill try it. :wink:

Good performance! Awesome

Give some praise to yourself. When you’re up there, think to yourself “I got this… good job… oh this trick is easy.” Which brings me to my next point: Always put tricks you can land 99% of the time first in your freestyle. Once you get the first few tricks good, it boosts your confidence, and you can go through the entire freestyle successfully. :slight_smile:

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You got to be like chicken Joe in Surf’s Up. If you don’t care about the outcome, the you wont be as nervous, then you will perform better.

Of course, that’s something that is easy to put on paper but is kinda hard in reality.

That and more performances. Getting use to performing in front of people will make it seem less and less of a big thing.

Good luck, go and represent some good ol’ VA. :wink:

Ninja’d Samad :slight_smile:

Cody u r a close yoyo friend and regular friend in general that i just met. ur gonna do awesome. me and you are gonna have an awesome time next week at the contest. i can’t wait for ur second FS and my first FS

It also helps when you’re making your freestyle to start with tricks that are easier because if you hit your first few tricks on stage you’re more likely to get the rest of your freestyle

Isn’t that what Samad just said?

oh wow you’re right. Sorry I didn’t read his post all the way through

Doesn’t usually work for me.

Okay Man, I Know how to Type, and Capitalizing words does not mean in Any Shape or form Mean that I don’t know how to type. I was taught to Capitalize the First Letter in each Word that seems Important. So that is how I am gonna Type. There are some Books that have Every Single Letter Capitalized. So who Cares if I Capitalize the first Letters in words that I think are Important. If you Don’t like it, So be it. I am not going to change my style of typing just to Satisfy You. Plus, Why would Capitalizing Letters make Somebody Cool? In What World does that Make Any Sense? That just Sounds pretty Silly to me. :wink: