Hi guys,
So after a few years being out of the yoyo scene I have decided to sell on the bulk of my yoyos and accessories. I can take venmo or cash.
Offer what you feel is a fair price I just need them gone.
Pictures can be sent through email or text I am just not great at putting them up on this site.
For Sale:
One Drop Code 2 with box- 1 ding and a pin prick
One Drop 54-Near mint with domes
Yoyo Factory Supernova-Amazing player. So smooth one or two pin pricks
Custom Supernova- Clear Caps near mint
CLYW Puffin Rootbeer Ano- Mint
Yoyo Factory Velocity- Mint
YYJ Fiesta XX - Some scratches with the box
Yoyo factory Mighty Flea-good condition
White Knight Skywalker-NMIB. Missing one response pad but its still dead smooth. This thing is a BEAST.
Zeekio 12 Hole Yoyo Case- great case worked perfect for me.
Also have some extra bearings strings and counterweights I can add in for a little extra.