yoyo hashtags...

Hey guys Im sure many of you may use instagram to take photos of your yo-yos and to look at others daily throws… what are some yoyo related hashtags that you use and or look for while using instagram :slight_smile:

Any brand name, especially if it can be abbreviated, for example: #yyf #yoyofactory #yyj #yoyojam #clyw #onedrop

Also specific models, like: #yelets #cliff #chief #thechief #darkmagic #burnside #capless

And, also try specific tricks, like: #spiritbomb #boomerang #buckethops #seasick

(I’d be cautious of searching for #suicide or #suicides)

And, of course, just think about terms people here in the YYE community use, and in the throwing community in general: #yoyo #throw #throwing #todaysthrow #yoyoing

Good luck!

I mainly use #todaysthrow along with whatever brand of yoyo it is. Such as #clyw #onedrop. Hopefully I’ll get to use both soon :wink:

I don’t do instagram, but I’ve seen [insert throw brand] #forlyfe

Too much hashtags can be #annoying though.
Use it sparingly.

#todaysthrow is the most common yoyo hashtag for instagram.

Good advice given:

By the numbers…

#todaysthrow 8237

Brand wise:
#yoyofactory 3766
#clyw 3117
#yomega 558 (havnt worked out how to buy photos on instagram yet, just followers on twitter and likes on facebook :stuck_out_tongue: )


When Ill Vibes came out,the main hashtag was #it’sayoyoenhancement

One way to somewhat get around that is to make your first post hashtag free (unless you automatically share Instagram images on Twitter, then add a couple great tags), then make a second post with all the other hashtags you can think of.


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I usually do that, but since I personally find hashtags annoying and pointless so I try my best not to use it as much as possible…unless I’m mocking or joking.

And make sure it’s also relevant. People seriously don’t want to see irrelevant tags on any post.
Like for example, if you have a picture of a YYF throw, don’t put #yomega #clyw #yoyojam #onedrop or anything that is completely unrelated to the post.

it’s surprising how many yoyo manufacturer’s check their hashtags. Especially C3 those guys are on top of that and super nice to boot.