Which yo-yo would you choose?

So, a found myself in a little pickle, I am getting money, hot hot money, which is burning a hole in my wallet. I had a very clear decision on which yo-yo’s i wanted, then almost narrowed it down
I am asking you what YOU would choose, this is not about my preference
-New Mighty Flea
-New FPYY Prototype (coming out very very soon)
-Punchline restock.
Hard decisions guys, which one would YOU choose?


The Mighty Flea is a novelty and not something you’ll play with all the time.

FPYY just isn’t really known, and you don’t know if the product will be solid or not.

SPYY is a VERY good company, and the Punchline is supposedly brilliant.

Im looking t words getting the punchline, it looks pretty sick, and guy’s my favorite.
Zach Smith says FPYY’s new yoyo is “The duck’s nuts” its 60$, so im thinking of getting it after.