So i was digging through my garage looking to see what i could find to clean out my bearing. I ended up finding Ronsonol (lighter fluid) and a liquid called Jasco TSP.
Will any of these work?
So i was digging through my garage looking to see what i could find to clean out my bearing. I ended up finding Ronsonol (lighter fluid) and a liquid called Jasco TSP.
Will any of these work?
You could use the lighter fluid, just be sure to dry the bearing fully when you are done. The Jasco is not a paint thinner so I would stay clear of it. The stuff I looked at said it was a cleaner, degreaser, and deglosser for surfaces to be painted so it might work and it might not, but I would choose not to risk it.
TSP is TriSodiumPhosphate, used to strip/clean wood decking and removing skin from fingers.
Avoid it.
Aweome. Thanks.
I only use ronsonol to clean mine so you will be fine.
TSP is a strong oxidizing agent that’s mixed with water. Unless the part is thoroughly rinsed it will form a thin layer of rust as it dries on metal.
As recommended above, use the lighter fluid. I’ve used it for years with very good results.