No I haven’t. I want to play it someday😃. Quint is really fun throw!
Nicky Rebound. @Beverchakus
My LT takes the place as my primary throw at the moment as I wait for more response pads to arrive for my Hydrogen Crash
But the silicone would be dry before mail shows up.
Kind of obsessed with this EDC
Going BOWLing today.
303 w/ @BadWolfeCo Goldilocks Slicc in Tangerine.
Enjoy the throw my friends
Unfortunately on my new commute (due to changes in schedule from the opening of Grand Central terminal) i find myself with fewer and more crowded trains. This leads to to much time with my editing app and not enough time throwing a yoyo:sleepy:
Didn’t know what to do With this pic…
Really bored…
The throwtation for the past week, haven’t thrown much else besides these. The Supernova is getting the most playtime for sure though, it’s hard to put down.
Did you get that custom made or hydrangea releases cerakote yoyos as well now!
Hydrangea does cerakote @Upmanyu
Hydrangea has been cerakoting their stuff since ~2019. Before they figured out how to get good anodization on the alloy they use, their solution was just to cerakote. Combined with their weird machining technique, the cerakote effect on their bimetals is amazing. The separation between the rim and the body is basically invisible. That Quercus yoyojoe has is gorgeous, but check out this Laurus (not my own photos). The steel rim stops halfway between the outer edge and the cut in profile, it totally just looks like a monometal with the coating applied.
Wow! Had no clue. Looks great!