7075 Supernova. A yoyo that was probably a little overrated back in the early 2010’s due to how much it was being used and recommended, but one that is absolutely criminally underrated now. I’d rather use this in a comp than most bimetals I’ve tried or owned tbh. It’s got heft without at all feeling like a slow string rock, comfy shape with no weird or uncomfortable cuts, will spin longer than you need it to, and is durable as hell. They don’t make em like this anymore kings and queens, definitely a diamond from that era.
Been throwing the Butterfly AL all day. It is really good for 0A with my limited 1A abilities mixed in.
Thank you!
Just in a silly goofy mood tonight.
Throw: CLYW Rip Zap Rap Orca
CW: Chunkeez Crayon “ombre-ainbow” Tire Groove with two Neon EZ beads.
Edit: added two more because Kay just made this rainbow bag and I could do better. Lol
Life is good.
This yoyo have a lot of power (rim weight) even compared to most bimetals, but definitely not heavy and will still accelerate easily for fast tricks. The wall is very thin, probably thinner than any aluminum (by feel), and yet thick at the rim.
Been throwing these while drinking some pinot grigio and listening to Doolittle. Must be a devil between us…
Blackbelt, Krapfen, Lio, Grail
End 2 Ti, Panorama, FH1, Sudo
@mable , I respectfully disagree with regard to hot pink yoyos.
Been trying
To meet you
(I love that song sm)
Pragma is hard core slept on - such a good YoYo
I’ve been really impressed with this powdercoated 2008 prototype Ywet from a recent trade. Yoyospirit does amazing work - I can’t believe how smooth it is.