gettin serious on the 5a
The orange yoyo is a Top Deck!
I’ve heard a lot of good things about the Top Deck! these yo’s are sick, thanks again!
You are in for quite a treat with the Top Deck. I sure hope you’re mowing some lawns or something.
…I mean, I did the dishes?
Nice! I haven’t swapped any around in mine, still enjoying the ULs
Candodized purple ILYY Sakura circa 2010. This thing packs some power. It caught me off guard with it’s strength the first time I binded.
On the lookout for a concave L sized bearing.
Oxy used to make those. Probably your only shot.
G2 Wraith, “Weapon X” edition.
Normally I don’t like yellow anodizations, but I couldn’t pass on a high-performance Wolverine yoyo.
Oops, no concave bearings.
(removed the link I sent for non-concave bearings)
I really, really like this yo-yo but need to wait for the honeymoon phase to be over to make a true evaluation.
Top Deck is incredible, the Square yoyo hurts like nothing else on the catch, the Octagon has sick pull starts, and the ORK is an excellent fixie.
If I make an unresponsive some day I’ll ship you one. I still have a few million fixed axle ideas to build first though. Glad you are enjoying them! If I actually make that ninja star yoyo you don’t even know pain compared to the square one though haha.
The ORK is actually unresponsive unless I double wrap the string around the axle, it’s just really snaggy because of the grimace response system.
Did you happen to change out the string on it? If so you need to add a drop of lube to the end of the string or some chapstick. It will then be super excessively responsive for 3-4 throws and then even out to normal response.
Top tier mailday
Nytro + also works prefect on them! Well, the plastic one I my friend at least lol, J wanted him to have a really colorful string on it and that worked perfect!
The cork one has separated, so I just have it on display at the moment till I get to gluing it later lol