Enjoying my MK1 Diffraction 2 the last couple of days!
How kind of you to let Santa play with your yoyo! Glad you’ve been enjoying it!
I’m surprised you’re not throwing your Christmas Shark’s Honor.
haha that and my red/green Rooster are going to be the throws I carry around with me all December :D.
I’m also going to hang all my green throws on my white Christmas tree this year! lol
Must be a big tree
No WAs today.
Because I’m throwing the Bi-Shutter.
What an awesome image!
Channeling @twitch77 today . Also a red and green Tourney half swap would look hella cool
Agreed! I’m halfway tempted to find someone willing to do this (like I did with my Rooster).
Oh, and what are your thoughts on the Tourney?
I haven’t really formed too much of an opinion yet—I’ve barely been throwing these days between work, family stuff, and this project my wife and I have to get out Descent 2e core set minis painted up by Christmas week—but overall I’m really liking it.
It’s that type of bimetal I’d describe as monometal on steroids, which is a plus to me. I feel like it has really good momentum and moves easily enough without feeling too light or too heavy. It’s certainly the most unique-feeling of the 2019 Duncan bimetal line and probably the one that’s left the most impact on me.
Also, I tend to have the opposite of honeymoon period when I get new throws. I’ll throw it to test it out, either be like ambivalently positive or somewhat negative, then set it aside to pick it back up a few months later and go “oh this is awesome!” (or continue to be ambivalent about it). I did that a little bit to the Tourney but I picked it back up much faster than most. Really liking it.
What color is that Format:C? I have a green one myself and it doesn’t look anything like that (in terms of hue). Is yours teal?
Nah it’s the green. I think the shot got shifted cold because of the color of my desk (the desk actually has more yellow/orange and my iPhone is trying to correct for that. This is a little more true to color (but still a little off).
there’s a christmas shark’s honor?
Had some free time on my hand, and it was a good day. I’ve thrown this bunch today:
Manatee, Banshee SS, Anubis, Hummingbird, Almighty, Start the Riot
that string looks familiar!