What are you throwing 2024?

Throwing the Peakhand today.


Got this for Christmas because I’ve been really good and I’ve got to say that I’m really impressed with it! I didn’t think it would be this good but the combination of the small bearing and the extra rim weight from the cap recess works really well.


oh thats a 2 and 3 mix! gotcha gotcha. i thought you haf 2 3’s there

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Might be my new fav

Model: Initial (light)
Brand: Hui Sheng


Oh I see!

Nah. I wanted to get a pink 3 but alas, adhd, and then they were gone :joy:

I’m cool with it now though, because I probably never would’ve tried to swap 2 and 3, if I had gotten a pink. And I kinda love it.

That’s why I always call it “Asora 2.5”. I had a feeling that little detail was getting missed by people. I wish I could think of something to call it that would convey what I’m trying to get across a little better.

It’s gas though.

actually tbf i didnt even read it lol i saw the pic and went googly eyed. i see the 2 doesnt have the flat spot right before the response bump now though on the pic where you show that side now that you mention it


More Mongoose


terracotta a-rt grail with a doggo sticker


Does the half swap affect play at all?

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I’ve not seen this. Looks really good


it does doesn’t it!? chonky and ive never played anything with an undercut. very intrigued here

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More mongoose!
(Mongoose 1.5)


Yeah. They’re definitely different. I’m surprised how well it plays, considering that. I’m starting to notice the little differences between the two that I don’t think I would notice by just switching back and forth. There’s something magic about this here half swap.


I’m trying not to offer to buy the other halves knowing you’re hesitant but I’m failing to restrain myself.


How do you like the Mongoose 1.5?? I cant wait to get my hands on one.

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if i get my hands on a pink 3 I’ll hyu and offer to swap halfs with ya. i wouldnt have thought of sacrificing a pink half but after seeing it id be so down


It’s really good. Definitely a bit wider and more powerful than to original mongoose. (I’ve never tried the AL7 version) it feels a little more rounded in the hand too. It’s definitely a good upgrade, but there’s still definitely room for the original in the collection. It’s deferent enough to freshen up and modernize the design a bit without taking away that classic mongoose feel. Definitely a must pickup for anyone who loves the OG mongoose.
Excited for you to get yours.


reminds me of the @fatguysnacks247/Fair Trade YoYos PV44 but with a modified cup.


I might let one go eventually. I should probably put them back to normal and just make sure this is the way I like it. Wish I had one more asora 3 :joy: that would make things so much easier.

It’s test type 2 that I really want to keep. I doubt Spence will ever make anymore test type 2. That’s the one that’s really making me hesitate. I love it.

I love 3 as well, but they aren’t as scarce, so it wouldn’t feel like as big of a loss. I’m pretty sure there are still some in stock on his site and he’s pretty much confirmed he’ll be making another run.

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This looks so sick! I bet that’s fun as heck!

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There’s definitely subtle differences in play on each side. I feel like 2 has that more classic, nostalgic feeling, while 3 feels more modern and capable. I think that’s why I like having both on one yoyo. It still has that classic feeling while being a little more performant than 2 on its own.

I could be way off on all this, but that’s been my experience so far.

I notice as I progress, my opinions and experiences with throws change, so I always feel hesitant to try and describe a yoyo.

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