Want SFyoyos SF

I want to buy a SF from sfyoyos. I want a rose one. I just want mint. I’m willing to buy it for $110.If you want to sell it, please feel free to contact me! Thank you, I love you!

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I have one of these. I would rate mine NMTBS, but I need to look it over more thoroughly to verify. I can send you some pics this weekend if you are interested.

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Ok!Thank you very much!:smiley::smiley:


Are you at all interested in the one I sent photos of?


Sorry, I just saw it. I’ve been busy these days. I’m very satisfied with this yoyo

When you get some free time PM me and I’m sure we can work out a deal.

OK, what do you think of $100?If ok,give me your PayPal.

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