Wallet for Worlds: Draupnir, Flash, AC2, Slasher, Vacation, Ex Machina + more!

Strongly prefer selling as Worlds is less than two weeks away, but feel free to offer trades, descriptions and conditions in Imgur albums. Prices are U.S. Shipped, as far as trades go, interested in a green AC2, Space Cadet, Space Cowboy, Horizon (specifically silver), new Blizzard, Borealis, Orca, Sleipnir / Sheepnir, Blink (normal or +2), or Phaser

yoyorecreation Draupnir (Glossy Black) - $200
Unparalleled Flash (Blue, mint in box) - Taking down after Worlds
CLYW AC2 (Grey Bip Bop) - $150
CLYW Blizzard (Red, mint in box, engraved) - Taking down after Worlds
sOMEThING Slasher (Blasted Silver, misprinted) - $150
Recess Intl Weekend (Black) - $80
Recess Intl Vacation (Ocean Blue, mint in box)
General-Yo Majesty (Lime / Limey Stew, forgot) - $75
ThrowRevolution Vertex (Red) - $80
ThrowRevolution Vertex (Blue) - $60
Adegle Accel (Orange) - $60
YoYoRanger Hertz (Silver) - $50
Ramshackle Throw Design Teh Kauw (Blue) - $80
YoYoFactory Shutter (Silver) - $35
YoYoFactory 2014 Genesis (Blue, B-Grade) - $50
YoYoFactory Edge (Silver / Black Split, mint no box)
YoYoFactory Ex Machina (Aqua with sight lines, mint with box)

Unparalleled Flash (Pink) - $135
CLYW AC1 (“Selvedge Gold”) - $70
CLYW Bonfire (Blue) - $80
CLYW Puffin 2 (Blue) - $40



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What is the price on the edge?

What is the condition on the ac1?