
Post tutorials of any trick. anyone can rate the tut. here is the thing though: i want a totally original trick. it doesn’t have to be hard, but try to explain it well.

tip: dont just start filming and have no idea what to say, plan ahead
practice the trick a little, it is ok to mess up but try not to too much

remember that i am posting this so people can learn tricks and learn how to tut

My video.


I sound weird in this viedo though…

These are mine, they’re simple:

Happy Throwing! =]

Here’s a few of mine and Henvey’s.

i’m confused by this post.

ok well i worded it badly. i meant that people should post more tuts in one place so when people finish the ones on yye, people can teach others the tricks that arn’t on this sight and tricks they made up. originaly i also wanted people to kinda do impersonations of andre teaching tricks but that is optional.

ok check it out…im haveing trouble with the second triangle on the and whut trick…ive watched videos over and over until i cant see straight and i cant seem to get it…after i do the 2nd pop then roll over onto outer string instead of getting a triangle i get a triangle shaped formation but its not actually hooked in the string the string is wrapped around the other string and when i let go it all falls straight off…can anyone help me please…thanx rob