Turkey Yoyo Meeting Video

hi this is our new meeting video…

players :
Atakan Özücüer
Rüçhan Akyüz
Gökten Uzuner
Melih Anar

Selinsu Varol

Yoyos: Dna-northstar-phenom-flying shuttle


So cool… But… Where you been? You just filmed yeah?

thank you

are you meaning tuto ?

weather is rainy that’s why i can’t record. :frowning:

when weather gonna sunny i will record it …

sorry for bad english… :D:D

no, i talking about that meet vid.

that video is new. sorry im not great on english :S:SS: :smiley:

I’m just saying in this video you are not in. Srry my english is bad xD

because i recorded it :smiley: ::slight_smile: :smiley: ;D