Trick-a-Week 2024—#52 Control Workshop

Week 30—Mir Kim Meta Combo

We are going to celebrate the World Yoyo Contest kicking off next week with a sweet and fun combo by the current world champion of the 1A division! This trick is a bit more difficult than what I typically aim for with trick-a-week, but I encourage everyone to give it a try anyways and see what you can’t pick up! The combo is also (kind of) constructed so the elements start easier and get harder, so just start at the beginning. The very first element is like a ninja vanish but you keep the whip in front of the string instead of whipping behind. If you’re totally lost with this trick, I recommend looking up a tutorial for ninja vanish and trying to learn that!

I would also like to give a shoutout to @yoyothomas ! Thanks for making the tut yo! I hope you have a lot of fun and crush all your tricks with next week! (Thomas is also competing at the WYYC!)

As always, please ask any questions at all that come up! Have fun and good luck!