Trick-a-Week 2024—#43 Yuuki Slack

Thank you for picking one of my tricks for the Trick-a-week! It is a major honor to be included!

Dimension Ghost is a nifty little trick that lead on to an entire series of crazy 3d-esque suicide tricks. The sequel to this one is a 720 spin instead of 360!



Hoping for a little guidance on Week 27’s rejection to hook. The part I’m struggling with is the first rejection, when you uncross your hands. I feel like I’m missing a step. I can get the rejection part, however, I’m struggling to land the yoyo into that double on double or nothing.

The Zach Hook part on its own doesn’t cause any issues. It’s just getting into the position before the Zach Hook that’s causing me a bit of confusion.

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I’m just gonna write out the steps so we know everything is set up correctly and we’re not missing anything. It’s the DoN with the double on, then roll into the top string and all the way around both hands, crossing th over nth. Then you hop up a bit and use the thumb to cause the rejection and pass nth under the yoyo. If you aren’t landing on both segments of string, keep the string wrapped closer together (basically on top of itself) when you roll around both hands. Bold is for the step you might be missing. I’m not exactly sure what’s going wrong though like what does the mount look like when you do the rejection?


Awesome, thanks for the help on this one. You may be right about the needing to pass my NTH under the yoyo. I’ve more been focusing on moving my TH instead of my NTH after the first rejection.

After the first rejection I find myself in a Hidemasa Hook sorta position, except with my NTH thumb still holding the string back.


Aight cool you can try to film yourself and see if you can spot the problem in playback also. Like no need to share it but seeing another view can lead to lots of ah hah! Moments

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Here’s a video that shows what keeps happening to me after the first rejection.


Aight aight I see the problem. When you’re doing the rejection with th thumb, you’re pointing towards the middle and dropping the strings off of th index at the same time. Just be careful not to let those slide off and you should be all good! The rest of the trick looks correct and you’re super close! Let me know if that makes sense and if it helps sort out the trick!

Edit oh yeah I took these screenshots but forgot to add them


Ahhh ok thank you! You’re referring to the index finger on my throw hand, right? And that’s why I have no string left on my throw hand after the rejection.

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Yes exactly !

Been adulting waaay too much lately… I don’t like it. Anyhoo, here is week 33 - Houdini’s Milk Carton Escape


Week 38—Application of Revolutions

This week we are going to learn this Application of Revolutions trick and focus on Revolutions as a concept. I encourage everyone who hasn’t learned traditional revolutions to learn the classic version as well as the version from brother. They are cool tricks by themselves and open up some cool options for ways to apply the trick to bigger combos.
Classic Revolutions

Revolutions from Brother Mount

This last trick I’m going to share, is to show even more advanced ways Revolutions can be applied to combos. I don’t expect anyone to learn it and warn y’all that it is much more difficult than TaW traditionally is. Feel free to try it if you’re feeling up to the challenge this week though.


Yo, this week is hype! I’ve been wanting to learn revolutions for some time now. The combo is also really sick, and I’m definitely going to try to learn it… maybe not in just one week tho


same! i think this will take me a couple of weeks but I’ve also been meaning to get to revolutions and that combo looks rad cool


Here’s a bit of catch-up material:

Week 35 - Over Under Cables (upon further review, I realized I’m undercutting instead of whipping the string after the trapeze… oops :grimacing:)

Week 37 - Dimension Ghost


It’s been a while since I posted. Fun trick that I saved a while ago, but never got around to learning.I need to work on that first slack a bit more and maybe look at that Takeshi trick but that might take a while…


man yall are crushing it! i tried basic revolutions and never felt more like i was flailing around wildly lmao my yoyo was like “i dunno what ur doing but lemme know when you wanna play yoyo again” and took a nap :rofl:


lol it is very much about finding a calm and consistent pace like needs to be decently fast but not insanely fast. Just try to keep the motions nice and controlled and you’ll start to get it! Good luck!


The Takeshi combo is probably the hardest trick I have tried to learn so far. I am currently at the next slack after the first chopstick. Here is my clip of a combo with basic revolutions for this week.