Tom Kuhn Yo-Yos for Sale, some very rare

I pulled a bunch of these to sell on ebay but have already reached my selling “cap” for the year. Ebay has a ridiculous selling threshold this year of only $2500. So I thought I would give all of you a chance to buy them here. I only ship to USA destinations and only use Priority mail. Shipping is about $10 by Priority. You can go to to check on them for more information. Email or message me,

Bifrost 2 (SOLD), Pine River Dark, or Pine River Light (fixed axle, Wood Rocks body) $85 each

Bifrost Mandala (only 15 made) , $250
Bayfield Butterfly Mandala or Batik Butterfly Mandala (SOLD), $175 each
Bayfield No Rings Butterfly (extremely rare, beautiful, only 12 made), $300

Purgatory 1 or 2 standard shape $75 (Purgatory 1 Standard Dark, SOLD)
Purgatory 1 or 2 butterfly shape $85 (Purgatory 2 Dark Butterfly, SOLD)




Several items sold and several more in negotiations. I will update as often as possible.

Never hurts to ask me if you are looking for a specific model. I may have it available for sale.