To Lube or Not to Lube, That is the Poll

Which by popular definition is called “breaking in” the lube.

Quite frankly, the loads on a bearing in yoyoing will not appreciably wear the bearing nor cause particles to come off.


It’s not the first time that me thinking about something to the slightest degree has been called “overthinking it”. :man_shrugging:


LOL! No need to mess with bearings when you can just replace them. If I replaced my bearing every time it needed cleaning, it wouldn’t cost any more than all the string I use. You could just forget the bearing and go fixy! Sooooo there. :laughing:

Bearings= sensitive discussion

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Kind of a waste to throw them away when all they need is a good cleaning. Unlike strings, which actually do wear out.

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Yeah but…(you don’t know me well enough to take me that seriously) that doesn’t mean I’m wrong, or right for that matter! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Well, I think the entire point of this thread is prolonging bearings, so in a way you are just taking the easy way out. You arent exactly wrong though. Bearings arent that expensive unless you are buying the ones with premium price tags.

Oh, and it was pretty obvious that you were just being facetious and I dont even know you. Who are you?

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Well I guess I’m the monkey with a wrench, a fly in the ointment, the noisy lurker.

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Buddy I throw the whole yo-yo in the trash and buy another if it displeases me!!


Pfft. I never throw a yoyo more than once.



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One throw is all anyone should need. Mic drop … yo-yo drop!

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I totally agree that one is all you need. But which one? Therefore you must acquire each and every one. That’s the only way to be certain that you find “the one”. In the end that means you need each one to determine “the one.” Acquiring yoyos is just simple logic! :kissing_heart:


No, by actual definition, the wear is the “breaking in”. The lube is like a grease, when you burn it off, it’s more like degreasing IE. same as cleaning. So when people burn the lube off the bearing it’s almost the same as running it dry, the only difference is that lube residue can gunk and build up.

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As I said “popular definition”, not proper definition…
People have been calling it “breaking in” since way back when on the forums (like 15+ years)

In days of yore when yoyo manufacturers supplied yoyos with well lubed bearings, people would say you just have to play it to “break it in.”


To lube or not to lube?

Ceramic - no
Stainless - yes

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I voted ‘tiniest amount of thin lube’, but, reality is sometimes I use thin lube, sometimes, for certain yoyos, I use the Terrapin Dry Lube. Thin lube will quiet a bearing, dry lube definitely does not. it seems both are an art to apply such that I don’t wind up with a responsive yoyo :slight_smile:


You can actually use both Terrapin Dry w/the tiniest speck of thin lube and it will amaze you Beyond Words. Really, its Next Level!!


I run my yo-yos dry because I over lube the things and I end up making them hyper responsive. Then I have to clean it with acetone because it’s busting up my knuckles. My bearings are quiet on my Benchmark and Krown though so it’s not a big issue. I do want to try some super thin lube though.

P.S. Completely silent yo-yos scare me because I’m not sure how fast they’re spinning and I’m unsure if I should do a laceration haha.

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