Thoughts on the fast-paced history of modern yoyo

I like wood for what it is … but holy padoodles man, fire up a Turbo Bumble Bee after an hour of throwing a No Jive 3-in-1 and it is a mystical, religious, transcendental experience. I know… because I’ve done it myself. :star_struck:

  • Response that actually works 100% of the time, totally consistent, completely reliable with no futzing around or “well, you gotta factor in…” excuses involved.

  • Ludicrous spin speeds and spin times with a metal ball bearing, on even the most average of average throws

Wood yo-yos were holding the field of yo-yo back, and the explosion of the Turbo Bumble Bee + beyond is what enabled all evolution in Yo-Yo after 1997.

I mean heck, the “mini Flores yo-yo nestled inside a plastic rim weighted container” approach of the Pro-Yo 2 was indeed a big step forward but fire up that Turbo Bumble Bee and … it’s like touching the face of God. :sparkles:

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