The Catchup Mod didn't work.

Well, I feel extremely stupid. :stuck_out_tongue:
I saw Josh Yee’s Video, and fell for it.
I put a Broken-Bearing Legacy in a little container, put an even layer of Catchup on it.
I went to go check it out an Hour Later, and it was just a Legacy with Ketchup on it.
It didn’t do anything, and I feel like an idiot. :-[
Well, Atleast I can share it with all you guys so you can lauph at me. :smiley:

u would fall for it :smiley:

You’re supposed to sprinkle it with cinnamon and pour milk on it.

Josh didn’t do that. lol

it was a joke, smarts. lol

please, for the love of god, tell me you’re joking. please tell me that you seriously did not believe that ketchup has magical transformational properties.

uh… who would believe that. after all, it turned my axiom into and Oxy Ti ;D

Haha I knew it was a joke.
I didn’t believe it, I was just bored and had absolutely nothing to do, so I thought I would just try it.
Im not that dumb. I know that a yoyo covered in catchup wouldn’t magically turn into a new yoyo. I just made this post for a lauph. :wink:

whew. i was worried about you for a second there.

you never know what people will fall for, nowadays.

Haha Thats True. :smiley:

Did you use Heins?

Well, if you don’t know, it will do wonders for your bearing.

Yes, I used Heins

This is true. So will Taco Bell hot sauce. Have you seen what that stuff will do to dirty metal? Shiny!
Of course, I don’t recommend actually using it on your bearing.


I’m still trying to figure out what a “lauph” is.

What I meant was a Joke.

A joke as in LAFF?

Or are we rolling on the floor laughing? Dot Ventures

Got you too huh? I know how you feel :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s spelled Heinz. And if you don’t eat it then get out of this thread.