The Big Event 2011

So I just went on this huge road trip from Boise, Idaho to Palm Springs, Florida for this amazing business seminar called The Big Event 2011. The event organizer is named Bob Burg, he’s an amazing business author I’ve been following for some time now and get to chat with on occasion. He asked me to do a yo-yo demo this morning and a bunch of people shared it,

this is one of the best I could find:

and here is another angle :slight_smile:

and here is a 90 degree angle :slight_smile:

Was tons of fun, one of the speakers invited me to come to her business event in Texas at the beginning of October to give a motivational speech and incorporate my yo-yoing into it :slight_smile: There will be about 500 business people there, other event organizers, and i’ll get to stay at the hotel and eat for free. A bunch of other powerful speakers offered to coach me until then to get me ready for it :slight_smile:

Hope you enjoyed the videos, I’m still kind of in shock
