Survey Wednesday 5/8/13

Survey Wednesday!

Why do you like the Triton?

How do you like your steak?

Who is your favorite band currently?

Dont have one but I like the shape


Dual-core and other dubstep/alternative stuff…

The colorways
Well done
Manchester Orchestra or/and Gorillaz

Looks nice maybe you could send me one to try :wink:

Medium rare

Mumford and sons or led zepplin

Dont have one, maybe you should hook me up :wink:

Raw, or still alive :stuck_out_tongue: ::slight_smile: ;D

Linkin Park

The play

Medium well


who said I do? :wink:

Medium Well

King Crimson

The shape.

Medium Rare

I don’t have one.

The shape
Kimbra or Wilco

Medium Rare
The Script