Survey Wednesday!
Why do you like the Triton?
How do you like your steak?
Who is your favorite band currently?
Survey Wednesday!
Why do you like the Triton?
How do you like your steak?
Who is your favorite band currently?
Dont have one but I like the shape
Dual-core and other dubstep/alternative stuff…
The colorways
Well done
Manchester Orchestra or/and Gorillaz
Looks nice maybe you could send me one to try
Medium rare
Mumford and sons or led zepplin
Dont have one, maybe you should hook me up
Raw, or still alive :
Linkin Park
The play
Medium well
who said I do?
Medium Well
King Crimson
The shape.
Medium Rare
I don’t have one.
The shape
Kimbra or Wilco
Medium Rare
The Script