Squids of YYE

I just picked a random one to see what other people picked. I picked number 7.

Maybe they’re doing it on accident…


Hacker for life. #BINARY_BROTHERHOOD


Squidding on the squidternet!

Is it just a coincidence that most of the Squid Girl fans were also bronies lol Anyway, I should watch this anime sometime.

I think Trace just likes to target certain people to brainwash with awesome shows! XD

Squid Yea!




Well we all hang out on skype pretty regularly, so we’re into the same shows for the most part. I’ve been missing out on Squid Girl, though…

Get with it! Squid it up!

I would be on skype more ,but… you know… meh.

Come on man what’s better then talking to me…

Yes ,Cirno.

But is it Cirno as Squid Girl? Or Squid Girl as Cirno?

Maybe they just did the fusion dance?

If so they’re certainly… frozen together.

You guys it’s squidin’ Cirno as Squid Girl 'cause she doesn’t have tentacles.

When I first saw a picture of squid girl on here… medusa came to mind.
#vectorarrowspecialist (I really doubt I did the hash tag thingy-mebobber right.)