SPEC bearing is loud?

I just recently got a replacement bearing for my Dv888. It worked great, reasonably quiet and totally unresponsive. But now it got loud all of a sudden. It is still unresponsive, just loud. Is this a normal part of a SPEC breaking in?

also, don’t all SPEC bearings have a little “YYF” engraved on the side? because mine doesn’t.

The noise coming from the bearing is fine. If you wanted to quiet it down, you could put a drop or thin lube into the bearing. SPEC bearings don’t have to break in, because they already come dry.

Yes, it’s breaking in. If it bothers you, just lube it.

And no, not all SPEC’s have the engravings.

thanks for the responses guys. It seems to be shutting up now. mabye a bit of string found its way in and got pulverized.