I have a mint Sparrow for anyone interested.
I would like to recoup most of what it cost $120 would be good.
Shipping usa only.
Possibly pending.
Of course right after I accept a trade for my quail for a green one a red one comes up -_-
Which is precisely why you need 2! lol
Fair enough, you’ve convinced me.
this is a slippery slope, you end up with 3s and 4s of everything in no time
You say that like it’s a bad thing…
1- beater and learner
2 - for saving, and perfect executions later
3 - for trading
4 - just in case
i guess anymore than that is just crazy
You got it down to a science. Thanks for the reinforcement.
i want to ‘heart’ this four times
Did it sell
Thanks for everyone’s interest
Sparrow is flying away tomorrow.
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