Soloham September Challenge 2024

This month I decided to challenge myself to play soloham everyday and record my progress in an effort to actually improve at the style. I thought I’d share this here in case more people are interested in joining the challenge, but here are my goals for this month:

Form Improvements:

  • Improve control and consistency with soloham throw and rolls
  • Learn the single yoyo pop release and not just my makeshift trapeze dismount
  • Learn how to go directly into soloham rolls from second throw

Tricks to learn:

  • Learn the summersault (made some great progress on this today!)
  • Learn Antispin
  • Learn C-fan

I recognize that I may not achieve all of these this month, but I’ve already made some great progress on consistency and control with the throw and rolls, and summersaults today so I thought I’d add a few additional elements and we’ll see how it goes! I’ve been wanting to get better at soloham for the last few months and now that worlds is over I’m going all in!

If you’d like to join in the fun, feel free to post your progress updates here and what tricks you’re trying to learn. Happy Soloham September y’all!

Rei Iwakura Soloham Tutorial Series:

Side Note: I am planning to make a YouTube video ( out of this and if you’d like to be included in said video, let me know and I’d be happy to add the clips!

On the last day of the challenge, I’m going to attempt each of these tricks back-to-back to see if I’ve actually mastered them. And the twist? For every trick I can’t land in 2 attempts during that take (or that I didn’t successfully land during the challenge), I’ll send a subscriber a pair of Offstring yo-yos for soloham (model tbd)! Let the challenge begin :sunglasses:

Day 1/30 Focus: Consistency, Control, and Summersault


In all that you have applied yourself to thus far, your progress has been plain to see. I feel this will be the same. It will be enjoyable to watch your journey. :smiley:
Just a word of advice on concentration… if you stick the tip of your tongue out of the left side of your mouth and bite on it just slightly, and then squint your eyes pretty tight… your concentration levels will skyrocket… :smiley::cricket::cricket::cricket:


Thank you for the kind words (and the tips on concentration :rofl:)!

:ferris_wheel: Soloham September! Day 2/30 :ferris_wheel: Summersault Practice


I need to concentrate on my regular offstring, but I couldn’t resist giving it a try.


Let’s go! Great attempt! The throw can be super awkward to learn at first, let me add Rei Iwakura’s soloham tutorial series to this thread as a reference! It was very helpful for getting started!


Thanks! I enjoyed your 3 days to learn video. I definitely will keep an eye on this thread. I always appreciate seeing the whole journey, not just the amazing end result. That’s also why I wanted to post one of my first attempts.

I don’t know that I will practice Soloham every day this month, but I might keep trying on and off. I’ve only had a 4A yoyo since mid-July, so still working on some fundamental skills.


Glad you enjoyed it! No worries about doing soloham every day that’s mainly a challenge I’m putting on myself. The goal is to encourage people to learn and play soloham together!

I also enjoy the journey! Stay tuned for more progress!


hell yeha lets go soloham!
remember to roll slowly and control the yoyos, it takes practise. also for somersalt, try swing more forcefully with a single motion rather than a roll. if you look at how rei iwakura does chain reaction you will see what i mean
looking forward to seeing the progress!


I thought September was reserved for Möbius?

We had been doing that for a couple years now…



Can’t there be both?


Mobias and soloham September? Why not


I actually didn’t know about this but I’d love to participate in Moebius September too! This was intended to be a personal challenge that I thought I’d share and if people wanted to join they’re more than welcome to. No intention to crowd out Moebius, I love the stuff you’ve put out Zammy!


Great tips man, thank you!

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I’ll let yall into a secret I considered convincing folk in the boomer club to do a small event for something in September but new baby has absolutely left me drained.


surely mo-vember rolls off the tongue


:ferris_wheel: Soloham September Challenge Day 3/30 :ferris_wheel: I finally landed summersault! The rolls were a bit sketchy and overall it’s not smooth whatsoever but this took over 2 hours today to land and I’ll take what I can get :joy: Probably will focus on smoothing this out and getting more consistency for the rest of the week and maybe start looking into Antispin.


I was actually able to bind it this time!!!


Let’s go! Great job man! :tada::tada::tada:

:ferris_wheel: Soloham September Challenge Day 4/30 :ferris_wheel:Consistency practice but glow in the dark :dark_sunglasses:

And also a YouTube I dropped today introducing the challenge!


You guys are so amazing. I was excited to get basic leg and arm orbits!!