help me get to US Nats!!
-only trades ill accept
-2010 Irony
-3a pairs (phenomizms)
ALL THE PHOTOS: Hspin Blowout | Flickr
pre worlds sale | Flickr
-Keylime 401k $60$40
-painted by myself, has a slight vibe
-a few noticeable digs under the paint
-Silver Lily $70$55
-some scratches and small nicks
-NVX set $100$80
-used these to win MAR and MA states 2010 along with place 4th at US Nats.
-need some new pads
-Black Lily $75 $60
-SPYY Radian 2 MINT $85
-1st run YYF G5 MINT $80
-YYF G5+ $80
-one small dent on the rim (in extra pictures)
-C3 Darkstar $75
-small pin pricks on the rims (in extra pictures)
i also have a mint yoho BVM for $80
-Griffin Wing OS yoyos $40 for all 3
-some 4a damage
-everything is silicone recessed except the pgm which is stock.
1 for $15
2 for $20
3 for $30
4 for $40
all for $60
(r-l t-b)
siliconed FH2 w/ FHZ caps, siliconed FH2, siliconed FH2
siliconed kickside, siliconed throw monkey, PGM GONE! , siliconed projam
prices are OBO. PM me with any offers!
Prices include shipping, US ONLY