Questions about gentry’s slack trick

I was looking at Gentry Stein’s 2016/2019 routines and I thought it would be cool to try and learn the slack whip trick he does. Does anyone have a tutorial? (I’ve been trying to steal it by just watching it over and over but have made little progress.)

Look at 1:52

Look at 2:10

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Yo this is a cool trick. I don’t know of a tutorial but I think I figured it out. It starts with the branding mount, pinch, swing the Yoyo and slack around and grab the slack closer to where the pinch is, then overhand whip with nth to get into that kamikaze looking mount. I can make a slowmo later if you want.

Also you can use the . And , keys on YouTube to skip frame by frame and that definitely helps to parse out what’s going on when trying to learn tricks straight from FSs.

Edit ooops mybad I see you got the answer already my comp was bugging