Lowered prices and also can throw money on top of these if needed. I’m really trying to trade some throws for some gsquared mainly a wolf, would also take a pelican, hawk or SPYY’s, one drops, and ohyesyo. Will trade multiple, for a wolf… Will take glitches/bgrades are always cool and damage is okay as long as it’s not super vibey. Can send more pics unpon request I’m having troubles on here
Masamaxx: fingernail vibe little damage not alot, doesn’t effect play, super smooth. 40 shipped
Weekend: 8/10 maybe 7/10 vibe… Plays really nice. Has lite damage around the rims not bad tho, with a little faded and where the steal runs meet the aluminum. 30 shipped
Kenshin: 7/10 vibe. Has damage all around the rims, but plays smooth as hell… it’s a great carry around throw, but I just never use it anymore.
20 shipped.
More pics available upon request. Will do 75 shipped in US