Price check on anti-yo YWET'S

Have had these YWETS for years. Purchased from yye when they were released. Figure it’s time to let them go. No boxes/little pants for either. No damage beyond a few tiny pin pricks on the YWET and no damage on the DRI YWET. How much should I look for? Thanks in advance for any help.


I see those YWETs go for around $325-350 when they pop up. Not sure on the Dri YWET tho, especially with the Anti Yo SE’s, that’ll boost the value up fasho


They’re going to kill for those red side effects. You’ve got top dollar there. Good luck.

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Auction it on eBay and post the link,
people will pay top dollar.
Also, I want to watch the auction :slightly_smiling_face:


that dri-ywet should fetch a hefty sum, prob in the $1k range or so i speculate… with some bapes selling to $1200ish, i’d wager there would be some hot competition for that


I sold near mint SE YWET for $400 shipped last year


Had an offer for $1500 for my DRI recently.

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Wow I would hang on to them they are too pretty the way they have aged. No one who will pay $$$ will ever appreciate those throws as much as you do.

If I was in your situation and sold yo-yos of that caliber it would haunt me for many years late at night, unless I knew the person well I was selling to.
I have sold one throw that sometimes wakes me up late at night, but I will live… and so will you good luck on your sale.

That is just my personal opinion.

Ooo yes I will be watching if you put them up


Should mention also, just to show the prices AntiYo are fetching. I have a 4mm YWET, there are only 8 of these. There were 10 but 2 got lost. I’ve received offers of $2500 for that one lately.


So is it best to eBay auction something like this? I want to sell these to someone who really wants them, not just a reseller


Probably makes the most sense for you to get top dollar. At the price they’ll likely go for probably wouldn’t make sense for a reseller.

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This, I’ll tell you I really want them, but I might not have all the dollars of someone else who may want them more or the dollar amount that you want after hearing some of the appraisals. Auction is probably the fairest way since it is a supply and demand issue. Your DMs have probably already been blowing up


Thanks everyone, for your replies. I really appreciate any help given :+1: