(Part 1 is up!) An Ask Me Anything Vlog...

Well, as you may or may not know, I like to make yoyoing video logs. I haven’t done one in a while, and I’m in need of a topic. So, I made this little video, and I want you to ask me a question or give me something to talk about :slight_smile: Drop a comment!

Edit: Some questions have been answered! More to come!


How do you think the entirety of the yoyo has evolved in the last decade, and what do you think are the pros and cons about it?

That’s really deep. lol

Give us a behind the scenes look at how throwing has changed you.

Why should yoyoing be more popular?

Thanks! More questions!

Do you think in your opinion that yoyoing is more a sport or a hobby?

What is your opinion on the world of yoyoing as of 2010? What do you think yoyoing might evolve into as of 2011?

If you never picked up a yoyo, how would your life be different?

Where do you see yoyoing in the next 5 years?

freestyles, 2:00 compared to 3:00
What’s the ideal length?
maybe 2:30?
I think you will have a good opinion on this.

And for a random question: Is the loch ness monster real?



What is the 1st “real” advanced yoyo you played

How old are you and how long have you been throwing

If you could only throw 1 trick for the rest of your life . . . what would it be

What’s your favorite yoyo brand (sorry if others know it. I haven’t been here long enough to know).

What’s your favorite trick? (and if you caould show an example of it).

How many yoyos don’t you own?

How many yoyos do you own?

If you could only use one yoyo for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Who do you think is the most over-rated/under-rated person. Do you think you will ever be a pro, win worlds/nats? Who had the most impact on your style?


What new style do you think will come about in the next few years. How will current styles of play evolve, double counter weight 5a stuff like that? ???

First video is up!