Normal Konkave vs Ceramic

Which is better and whats the difference.

Neither is better. One is cheaper, one gives potentially longer spins, regular and ceramic, respectively. However, it’s nothing a good throw can’t do.

I disagree stainless lasts less time then a ceramic. (ceramic is your best bet cause i have one and it is better than the regualr one)

Where did stainless steel come from? We weren’t talking about that. And actually, ceramics are easier to mess up than steel ones are.

What I mean is that regular konkave doesn’t last as long as a ceramic.

I have a ceramic concave and to tell the truth I hate it… it snags quite a bit… it’s a little more responsive and my onedrop bearing spins longer.

yeah I bought a onedrop bearing, it is so quite and smooth I was shocked when I got it. and for KK or bearings like that, I’ve found they don’t really make that much of a difference.

I also bought a ceramic konkave and I also hate it, the bearing spins for half a second and it makes your yoyo sleep less and super responsive! Like you thicked lubed it and used up a whole bottle!!!

They do come thick lubed.

Actually no they don’t. It wasn’t lubed at all when I got it. It was just the bearing made the yoyo responsive.