The original C3 Speedaholic changed the way we looked at plastic yo-yos. It was one of the best performing yo-yos for the price, and the latest version takes that standard to the next level - This is the Speedaholic XX!
The Speedaholic XX is an unresponsive design with a machined polycarbonate body and a fingerspin hub. It has thick rims that give it an impressive spin power in play and a wide profile that really opens up the catch zone for those riskier tricks. The H-shape profile provides a high performance weight distribution and prevents string drag through horizontal play and fingerspins. It plays fast and smooth on the string with a feel in the hand to keep you coming back for more!
Looks very smooth in spin, and has a nice snappy bind. Nice being machined vs injection molded. I got the clear one on the way, but now I also want that yellow, before it disappears
Sorry I missed your question before. The clear has more of a frosted look because it’s machined, and since I see you already got one I’ll just add good choice!
The XX has a great feel, smooth with a very agile maneuverable feel in play. I was surprised by it after looking at specs, feels much lighter and bouncier on the string than I expected for a 66g+ yo-yo. Can’t go wrong for the price.
This throw plays great!! Similar to the Antidote but different. Maybe better and I loved the Antidote so much I bought a second one. I dont know what kind of string came with it but its awesome! If anybody knows let me know.