Never seen a video of it before, so I made one myself!!!

My fail attempt at hydra.

Cool man. That was pretty sweet. Your face after the ninja vanish was epic. ( :o) haha

No it’s ninja vanish, anyway awsome! I bet you can do 3a

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I can do some 3a but Im not really that good at it :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha my bad. Got that changed. Thanks

Does anyone else do Hydra? If so please post a vid,Id like to learn some more tricks.

Anyone at all? ???

What exactly is hydra?

Where there is one yoyo on each end of one string.
A quote from
’ Hydra
Two yo-yos are attached at opposite ends of a single string.
The single string is modified so there is a normal loop at both ends instead of a loop at one and a slipknot at the other.’

Here’s a video of John Huber

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That was pretty neat!

I’ve done a bit of both hydra and 3A, but neither seriously (though I like 3A).