Never Give Your Brother Access to Your Yo-yo Videos

My 11 year old brother, upon figuring out how to download some of my YouTube tutorial videos, surprised me with this. Title and all.

I’m not sure whether to be proud or ashamed. In any case, here is either a masterpiece, or an abomination.

Either way, it’s certainly something…


How can we be sure? :flushed:


Hahaha, the dancing part got me! :man_dancing:

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That’s exactly how ALL tutorials look to me the first twenty times I watch them. Your brother made a very funny video!

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I totes genuinely lol’d at multiple points. Strong work, Eleven Year Old Brother and Budding Video Editing Auteur!


This was great. I genuinely cracked up a few times. He taped into what a lot of us think. Your bro has skills. You should colab!

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The comments :joy::joy::joy:. When I read “This made me feel very uncomfortable” I couldn’t stop laughing :joy::joy::joy: