My trick

I invented it.  :slight_smile:

Cool trick! That look Zach’s trick, but its different. :slight_smile:

Happy Throwing! =]

Very nice! :slight_smile: However, near the end, it got choppy. I think you could do without that GT. :-\

Thank you.

What do you mean by “choppy”?
Like it doesn’t fit with the rest of the trick or I’m not smooth enough there?

Yeah, that what I think…

Happy Throwing! =]

Which one?
It doesn’t fit with the rest of the trick or I’m not smooth enough?

I think he means both.


ive seen this in many tricks and i think your trick brings it up again. ther are two many parts of the trick where the yoyo is not on a string and is just dangling. Then you fling it back up onto the string. There is nothing wrong with it but it takes a smooth atmosphere away from the entire trick. You should probably find a way for a smoother transit to occur from string to string. Just some constructive criticism :). I did think that the foundation of the trick was very nice, though and there were some great trick elements in there.

I think your trick is awsome!!! :o