This is my SF yo-yos collection. My fav brand! @sfyoyos
Does the Parser count as SF?
Idk. I have one though😉
You know you had to flex on em
I’m dead
That is my actual leg and sock and slipper. Pretty sexy eh? I mean, I don’t blame you. I get that a lot
So close (that colorway )
That better not be your car.
I think you need a Jazz Cup SK. I have a couple sitting around here.
Seeing peoples collections is such a cool experience. Remembering all of those passing through testing before going out into the world is a real sentimental trip…
Thank you @TheYoyoer27
You are welcome, ess eff!!
I thought more about this and I do appreciate that offer very much… but what I really need is a Jazz Cup Cadence 2.0.
Rereading this post and I died when I read this. lol
cc @sfyoyos make the dreams come true