I still think all of you people complaining are full of crap. YoYoFactory can make whatever the hell they want and it’ll still play amazing, so what’s with the hating? If it doesn’t interest you don’t buy it.
i think the new products are great for the community, i feel theyre just coming too fast, most of the new stuff isnt even widely available, and for the bulk of the yoyoing community theyre releasing yoyos faster than people can buy them (that doesnt go for everyone)
I wish there was a store where I could try yoyos… Like I want a C13 but I prefer large yoyos… and now theres a kinda big C13 (never even thought of it…) but It would still be cool to try them
They could always do the One Drop thing…
But I think this is what their going for.
Theres the 888 and DNA
C13, MVP
Severe, Lunatic…
I love how most of you can judge a yoyo plays like crap without playing it, let alone even seeing it in person.
When it comes down to it, YoYoFactory is running a business. And those of you who say they are recycling ideas are correct in a sense, though Ben gave us an example why.
Just because the Severe is a good yoyo, doesn’t mean the Lunatic isn’t. You need to rethink what you say.
Right right right. So we should make one model, then make that model a little bigger, a different bearing size, different response, different price, and different features, and release them under the same name. That makes sense, right?
Most of you assume YoYoFactory is just trying to make a quick buck, when the reality is, they are a main source of inspiration and support for the community. See how it is right now? It wouldn’t be anything like this without YoYoFactory.
So pay your respects. You can dislike YYF for some reasons, and you can even dislike the people, but when you assume idiotic things about them, you’re crossing a line that really makes you look like a dumbass. Way to go.
YoYoFactory isn’t an old company (6 years!) but we do have a herritage and design philosphys which are apparent in what we do. Before YoYofactory we also have a history in bringing innovation to yo-yos and you would be hard pressed to find a modern yo-yo that hasnt been influenced by our innovations.
The MVP profile with its extreme low wall and maxed rim weight has evolved from catch 22 through Frantic and C13 and finally for the 1st time to a full sized and full weight yo-yo. If we dropped the design concept here people wouldnt have a chance to feel these performance characteristics at this scale. To some this will be awesome, to others, this won’t be your thing. If it isnt your thing don’t worry, we make plenty of other yo-yos and if you look through them I’m pretty sure you will find something close to your thing.
Take a look at the USA National contest 1A results where YoYoFactory sponsored players took 7 of the top 9 places.
1st Yuuki Spencer (GENESIS)
4th Chris Frasier (eight8eight)
5th Augie Fash (G5+)
6th John Chow (BOSS)
7th Sterling Quinn (Skyline)
8th Tyler Severance (Severe)
9th Paul Han (DNA)
None of them used the same yo-yo. So why should we limit you?