Motorized Yoyoing?

No Offense to your idea, but this sounds as beginner as automatic response…

Wait, are we talking about yoyos that do tricks themselves?
It would be a neat idea, but it just seems so lazy.
Then if we ever had one, people would ask if its a real yoyo and are you really doing those awesome tricks, then we would have to say no. :-\

I’m intrigued!
It might be great for beginners.
I wanna know how it works.

It’s an interesting novelty. If it’s cheap enough, I might get one, but it will never be a main throw. I’ll probably just show it to my friends, and maybe use it to practice some tricks, so that I don’t have to wind after every time I mess up. But it can never replace trowing a regular yoyo. If anything, I see this as a beginner yoyo, like the clutch release light up yoyos that were super popular ten years ago.

Here’s the video if you didn’t click the link and watch it:

I’m 90% sure that’s John ando and someone else from shaqler

It’s all fun and games until your yoyo blows up…

The tricks don’t really seem enjoyable to the player. They look very forced and uncomfortable.

I do laugh at the people claiming it might ruin competition… The time it would take someone to throw the yoyo, would likely be similar to the time spent getting the motoyo in the correct axis.

Also, id like to think the Shaqler boys can ace the hyphysick-upwards-eli.

It’s not gonna be that bad… I mean, we went from fixed to bearing didn’t we? ALSO, trick difficulty comes from the trick, not the spin time itself right? I mean, after awhile, spin time doesn’t matter.

in all honesty i don’t see this going far…plus i don’t think it could handle gyro flops or horizontal tricks which i see alot of in contests…would probably stop the motor if it went sideways


Gyroscopic stability is what keeps the yoyo up. The spin keeps it upright, but only “upright” to where it was thrown (for example sideways throws/ufos/banana turnover.)

If you change the axis of the yoyo, theoretically, it should stay in that plane of spin, if the motor is to continue spinning the yoyo. It simply the yoyo mounts and gravity making the play difficult.

I have no idea what you are all so worried about. If you don’t like it, don’t use it! It’s that simple. No one is going to force you to start using a motorized yoyo. Yoyoing is not “dead”. Even if a lot of the yoyoers out there decided to use this, it doesn’t mean you have to.

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touche skip, I’m just considering all factors with this thing. it’s relatively new and i’m not sure how a motor for that kind of thing would react to a change in the axis. Some things can’t always be accounted for and i don’t know what they may or may not have tested with it so i just made an opinion known. otherwise i think its an innovative piece of tech in the yoyo community.

And I’m 100% sure not. Also the YouTube account is different, looks nothing like anyone on Shaqler also. Plus the yoyoing is completely different.

I for one welcome this idea.

I have seen people say that yoyoing is dead if this catches on, and that it seems lazy. Really? It still takes a certain amount of skill. This isn’t doing the tricks for you, you still have to work at it.

How about we go back in time, to the old school ages of the 1990’s. No ball bearings here, just straight up fixed axle. But there was a man who put forth an idea, what about ball bearings…in yoyos? The community resisted. “It’s to easy now.” Sound familiar?

How about in the area of 2002? Unresponsive play was being tossed around. “Woah woah woah. The yoyo can’t come back to your hand?! What is this madness?” Now everyone plays unresponsive. Just because a new idea makes things easier, doesn’t mean that it will be a crutch for yoyoers. It means that we will be able to further the game.

Long story short, innovation is what keeps yoyoing alive. so embrace it.


I believe it is two of these guys guts put together to make it work.

Here is an interesting thing I am always searching for weird yoyothings for the yoyowiki. About a year to a year and a half ago I found a fresh patent from yoyofactory on a motorized top. Basically they took the guts from one of these tops and put it in both halves probably like this guy did… but I haven’t seen anything else since.

I would buy one… Just for the weirdnes.


Re-post from the yo

Uhh, yeah…

you said it was for beginners
what if your practicing a trick and you get a knot?
how do you stop and untwist the halves, undo the knot and put it back together

I’m with you Q. Although i detest the day someone will ask me “Dude, does it have a motor” and i’ll have to say yes. I think it could be a fun novelty in the least.

I’d assume you would bind it up, which stops the motor apparently, unscrew, and go on. I kinda want one just for kicks too.