Hey Guys.
Not the greatest but here we go : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lNbHMY31N4
Comments and criticsm appreciated.
Yep, a lot of questions now.
What yoyo?How long you playing?trick at 2:07 i like that ;D easy.
I see there is no editing? because I see a lot of mistakes
the tricks i could see were fun to watch. to much glare. not a big fan of the song but thats just me
Yo-Yo: Superstar
Time Playing : 10 months.
Yeah no editing :L
Want to do a battle? I’m at 7 Months.
Bring it :L 1 minute , no editing except music . you make a thread with the date etc.
Oh, and Justin Bieber called, and He wants his Hair Back!
oh and im in on this battle. i’ll make a thread. you two can join in.
11 Month and under Battle - Yo-Yo Contests, Clubs, and Events - YoYoExpert
Battle meh.