Sorry for the delay on this week’s pick. Sometimes life gets in the way.
I was talking with Ryan and we thought it might be nice to work on some basics to get our combos more flashy.
I liked this from @DocPop show which takes trapeze to the next level. Let’s see if we can get a cool trapeze combo with all three (or 4 trapeze elements) for this week.
FYI, there’s a great tutorial for Magic Trapeze on Yoyowen’s channel.
I don’t think it’s a very difficult move to perform, but it feels really different than most tricks we do, which can make it a bit hard to get the hang of at first.
Its not in english and the only words I understood were chopstick and slack, but I dont think that should keep any of us from being able to learn it! Looks like a fun one
Table of content for Trick-a-Week has been updated, check out the first post so you can jump to the beginning of each week on this thread, as well as a link to previous year’s Trick-a-Week.
What? There must be a solution… why don’t you try silicone…y you can probably get some at a hardware store, plenty of threads on here talk about silicone a yoyo … All my MFDs are silicone and i have to say it’s a great system. I haven’t tried it myself yet but it’s inevitable…
Here codinghorror is talking about his first time using silicone and a bunch of people offered helpful tips.
Doing the chopsticks for me with me index/thumb from a 1.5 just wasn’t going to happen. I have kinda small hands and there’s just too little space to ever comfortably hit that, so I just modified the start slightly. I generally do all chop stuff with my thumb and middle finger to give myself a reasonable amount of space to work with anyway.
Wrap your TH middle and ring fingers under the string so you can have the string leaving your TH from the top of your ring finger, this will separate the strings enough so that you can mount the 1.5 on your TH middle finger and be able to do the chop + pops with your TH thumb and middle fingers. After the pop just drop your TH middle and mount into a 1.5 on your index, then do a branding and you’re back into a normal 1.5 and can do the easy part of the trick.
Sorry for the wall of text but hopefully this explanation + video helps somebody else. The TH chop pops are neat and I wanna practice doing those more.
Edit: Here’s the entire trick using this method. Fun trick very glad I checked in this week. I saw the name of the thread and figured it might be related to Michael Malík lol.