MoonageMin's Trick-a-Week 2021 [Finished, check out TaW 2022]

Roll right, then roll right again into a 1.5. The tutorial from @G2_Jake that I posted shows this the most clearly of all the Beefhook videos I’ve watched… IMO.

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Ong! I understand The H hook… can’t do it yet but i can make the hoop hook to the inside half of the yoyo… it’s so close i can taste it…Ryan i might need that neck brace by the end of this week


Thanks man I got it!!




Can I get a woop woop for two :cut_of_meat: :hook: in a row!


Hell yeah man. You guys are killing it this week. So awesome to see you all making progress.

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complete sentence

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Beef hook Fun:
That’s indeed a hard move.


C’mom Ryan, show us your skillz! Hahah


Soon as I get my shoulder repaired :slightly_frowning_face:

I’m down to 2 minute sessions, once or twice a week. I’ve had my MRI follow-up pushed twice (thanks covid) so I’m not even sure what kind of treatment I need just yet. This Thursday I should find out. Hopefully it’s just torn, at this point that would have the simpler treatment, best prognosis and shortest recovery time vs possible alternatives… because I’ve already exhausted the better ones.

Alternatives at this point are like… combinations of problems, e.g… bad tendonitis plus nerve damage resulting in loss of motor function and hyperalgesia.

Edit: not that my “skillz” are amazing. So don’t hold your breath waiting for something awesome :rofl: You guys are already rocking it pretty hard this week.


So I’ve landed a few hooks. Very satisfying! I actually think i know exactly what i did wrong and right.

Having said this, is there a hook move that ends with adouble on twist… it’s easy to flow through if you know it’s coming… I’ve landed into 2 GT some how when i rolledd out. So clearly there is a lot going on in this hook element.


I’ve landed into double GTs doing Hidemasa hooks or rolling out of them too… never could figure out how.

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Landing into GT is basically Brent stole.
Congrats you did some already! Albeit by accident

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Maybe, but I think he means something different. By “double on” I wonder if he means double hook, as in twice wrapped.

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Hmmm, so that’s the reason why we didn’t see your new moves. I wish you get better soon!! Maybe some mild exercices and stretching would help? Take care, anyway!


His shoulder has been an ongoing battle. But it’s been quite bad for him recently

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Well, I’m not a doctor, but If Ryan needs something that I could do, let me know…



Consigliere @ryanmcg

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There. Are. FOUR. LightsChars!

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Honestly, that’s partly laziness. It’s a pain to setup my camera in my living room to film. I got some better equipment to make it easier but it arrived the week after my shoulder went wonky.