Dam! That last hop is a complex move… got it once! Very cool trick. I think the OFFroad tut is much clearer then the yotricks, even with him 5 min intro.
Not Smooth enough to be " the Daniel " yet but… the week i learned my first 2xGt you guys picked another… so i tried them back to back…
Nice double double!
Very nice Mike,
Okay so this isn’t exactly the “Double GT” that we are learning this week, but take a look at this other variation of “Double” GT in a different sense.
@chaosgow taught me this a while back, thought it would be something fun to share.
Two double GTs, I think you get bonus points
WT$…?!? Ok trying to visualize this…i might be able to figure it out tonight after a few hours of painful pointless bro. Trapez tricks… OR you could make it easier and explain this demonic wizardy you call a double GT
Week #12 - Drop Suicide Catch
Hello everyone! I was asked to teach a trick this week, and after some thought settled on the dropped suicide catch, or at least that’s how I’ve been referring to it for almost a decade now lol…
The trick is rather straight forward, make sure your string tension is neutral, throw a trapeze, lift both of your hands up at the same time to get the yo-yo and the trapeze loop to have upward momentum, and then break your arm. Or withdraw your freehand from the trapeze loop and quickly bring your hand under the yo-yo, back up in front of the yo-yo and back into the loop.
I hope that this was hard enough to be a challenge but not so hard that it scares people away this week. Good luck and have fun!
If you start to get this down, try doing a reverse hidemasa hook, unwrapping it to a trapeze, and then landing the dropped suicide catch, it looks very fancy.
Awesome thanks @anon17117379, looking forward to the drops. Hope the catches come someday too
I am having way more fun playing around with these than I thought I would
I have to agree these dropped suicides are fun to practice… I’ve actually caught a few… thank you @anon17117379 ! Having said that i wouldn’t mind knowing that one handed wrist mount! That was insane!
Try a jade whip but catch it as a drop suicide!
My brain exploded!
I needed to find out… so i went to the all knowing youtube… im sure there are other ways but just for refrance here is a one handed wrist mount tut that seems doable.
For whatever reason, the kind in the video you posted lead to more consistent landings than doing it right off a throw
I can’t do either way. So much to work on!
I think the soaring in method holds the shape of the mount better before you let go while the throw and catch relies on a precise tug back
My submission for @anon17117379’s Drop Suicide Catch.
For some reason I keep catching with my ring finger not my index finger
Bonus points though obviously because I used a MikeMonty Memento for the practice and video.
Dude! That was driping with greatness! Wow!
I can catch the drop over the top but coming from under is a real challenge.
Well done both of you.
Ok. So i keep working the dropped suicides and missing, but i like to multi-task like everyone else. So I’m working on my yotricks level up nonsense. There’s a trick called Wasabi GT, which he exits the GT out the back. Cool.
What’s my point, and why am i posting this here… God i can be long winded. Maybe.
So if instead of using the wrist to catch the slack you do a jack slack style thumb whip and wrap around the yoyo, then mount the front segment like in the Wasabi you get a GT but you have to exit out the front. Just something i uncovered tonight. Hope that made some sense…
I’ve been playing with what i can do when i miss Jack slack and wrap around the yoyo instead of catching a half, so now i have two solutions. The modified Wasabi GT and you can actually do MelHops a well which are cool.