March 2014 - Stick It. Click It. Send it. Win!

Here’s hoping! :smiley:

It seems that a sticker somehow found its way into my sketch book. The doodles have welcomed it with open… tentacles?
Anyway, I never thought that aliens would enjoy yoyoing but it turns out that they love it! :wink:

^LOL those are some funny aliens

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^^ But kinda cute.

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Could not get the link to work.

me neither

Put the YoYoExpert sticker on my yoyo board. My board for everything yoyo that deserves to be on it, ;D

http://file:///C:/Users/christian/Desktop/2014-03-31%2012.54.42%20(2).jpg3 hours latter

I don’t get it, my pictures are still there but they have stopped working! ???

Already used this last month, but figured I’d try again.

Winners being announced soon - Thanks everyone!

The YoYoExpert staff’s pick for March was santiaman for sticking it to a plane. YoYoExpert will surely be flying high now!

We are contacting you with your gift certificate code via Private Message.

Congratulations and thanks to all who submitted a picture.
Remember to actually stick your stickers to increase your odds of winning.
Keep sharing pictures in the next month thread for your chance to win!