Looking for tp yoyos

looking for:
leviathan series
or other tp models (only mint)

I have the following for trade(trade for same value):
C3 gamma crash all black mint
C3 new level6 black and blue splash mint
C3 old level6 gree yellow splash mint
C3 darkstar x2 near mint
C3 berserker RX red yellow splash mint
C3 apparition orange yellow splash mint
YYF boost blue mint
C3 berserker yellow black splash mint
C3 bastet light blue mint
OD kuntosh 5000QV red/olive mint
C3 omnitron green grey purple splash mint
C3 atomic crash orange yellow red splash mint
C3 yeah3 purple yellow splash mint
C3 pwave grey splash x2 mint
YYF marco orange mint
IYOYO ippon all black mint
C3 Krown2017 purple splash little scratch
C3 electric flash green yellow splash mint
C3 Capsule2.0 purple splash mint
C3 gungnir green splash mint
C3 hobbit gungnir red splash mint
C3 accelerator red splash mint
C3 robot olive splash mint
C3 radius red mint

for pics please contact


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Oh that’s a lot of yoyos you can trade.


really good deals my dude

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