Looking for some One Drops and a couple others, I have cash and trades


Looking for the following I have cash a trades or both. Thank you for looking.

One Drops
Saturday Markets of the following models
Rev, 1to1, Par Avion, Kuntosh, Küntosh 5000QV, Virtuoso, Code1, Deep State

Krakens any coloway but specifically looking for following colorways
Eye of Cthulhu, Everscream, Wall of Flesh, Ice, King Slime, Pumpking, Stardust Dragon, Meowmere, Skeleton Prime, Snow, Corruption, Surface Grass, Nickle

any colorway
Dingo, Project, Project 2, Marquis, Chik, Code 2, Rally

Markmont MCMO Saturday Market

Doc Pop Day Tripper Saturday Market


Bump vtwo found.


Still looking.

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