LF: YYR E=MC2 (raw, blue or half-swap)

Hello all! I’m looking to get my hands on a half-swap E=MC2 that Yoyorecreation released a long time ago that was half raw and half blue. Otherwise, I’m also looking to get either a raw or blue E=MC2 so I can eventually half-swap.

In the US and looking to purchase; please shoot me a message if you have any of the above. Thanks for looking!

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i have a friend with a blue one, i can see if he wants to swap.

I appreciate it!

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what color is yours?

Oh no, so I’m looking for a complete E=MC2 entirely (specifically one that’s half blue and half raw). But if I’m unable to find one that’s half swapped, then I’m open to purchase one that is entirely raw or entirely blue (so that I can swap it eventually)

oh, well he has a full blue. if i can get him to come on here for once he might be able to figure something out. its worth a shot.

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Thanks! Yeah, please ask him if he’d be interested to let it go and to contact me if so. He can also reach me at mpt17352@gmail.com if it’s easier

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