Looking for either a TP Hinemosu, MSG, or Collapsar
Dm me if you have one
Looking for either a TP Hinemosu, MSG, or Collapsar
Dm me if you have one
Bumpity Bump (bump)
They are in stock:
looking to not spend 1 morbillion dollars on one
Buddy, dont wanna be offensive, but i saw Hinemosus go for above retail used…! Usually those go for a bit less than 200,- - .go get a new one at yye.
Bump, added LF for ASTer and Ziz
Morning bump…
I own both collapsar and hinemosu. The hinemosu is definitely a better throw and has insane spin power and stability from TP is no joke. Collapser is great but heavy man i would suggest get em new or shop payy is also good
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