LF El Mijo

I’d love to get my hands on one of these El Mijo throws. Please write if you have one.


ZGRT has v3 el Mijos dropping soon. they are a Polycarbonite version and they are just as awesome as the aluminum. they play a little snappier due to being a smidge thinner and solid. but totally gonna be worth adding to the collection.


I’ll definitely be getting on when they drop. They look great. I’d also love an OG El Mijo. I unfortunately missed out earlier.

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You’ll have to pay a premium in exchange rate and shipping, but there’s a shop in Spain that still has the 6061 versions in stock. They ship FedEx so I got mine in like 5 days.

I PM’ed you a link to the shop in case you break down and order a freshy like I did.


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