Hold on a lil bit more, bud! Just 3 more to go, right?
That’s it man. Peak, puffin and summit
Need ash berry puffin and summit. Please help
2 to go!
Help this good man complete his Ash Berry
what are you going to do after you find these 2 my blood?
Geez. Look for duplicates? Lol
You can try @fatguysnacks247 rules of 4…
of anti-yo for me? gotta set new goals bro… my quest is a long and arduous one i believe, with less throws even. i’m picking up some cool beans ones on the in between though…
That’s a good rule for sure. We should all live by it
Bump me
Please help me find summit
Come on guys! Someone with ash berry puffin or summit please help our man here
My man
Bump need summit
I neeeeddddd the summit. Someone please help
I saw the one Matt had for sale. It’s really beautiful!
The summit is the last ash berry I need. Please help me man